Day Four

Last night was a learning experience. I got too confident. I almost died. If it was not for that mysterious “person”, I would not be here. For most of the night that person was on my mind. Did I imagine him/her? What was he/she running from? I may have just been imagining it. I may never find out who that person is. It will be best not to dwell on it. Nothing I can do about it now. I have to focus on what I missed out on yesterday. My plan is to go to the south and get those grass pickings so I can make the rope.

I am running low on food, too low. This is my biggest concern. Every night I tell myself, “Don’t starve Wilson, whatever you do, do not starve.” I have this uneasy feeling that the daytime will no longer be safe for me. This world I am in appears to be growing and changing every day.

I had to travel south and get the materials I missed out on yesterday. I needed rope to finish my new ideas for armor, and a spear. I had a gut feeling I will be needing rope for other things too. I also remembered there being a large amount of berry bushes on the way there. Something that came across my mind was to use the shovel and dig up these bushes and replant them near my base camp. This way I didn’t have to travel so far.

You never know what will jump out at you in this world. I never let my guard down despite it being daytime. I wouldn’t say I was jumpy, but I was definitely alert and aware. I came across some tufts of grass as well. I figured not having to travel far for grass would also be nice. I decided to dig those up as well.

My gathering mission went nicely. I didn’t encounter anything peculiar. I kept gathering until I could not carry anything anymore. The sun was just rising directly above me, so the afternoon was approaching. I decided to head back to base and plant my grass tufts with my berry bushes. Now I had grass to make rope as well. On my way back I look to the west. I noticed that eerie forest I wandered into that is next to the rock quarry. I thought to myself, I should prepare myself and explore that area.

I made haste and got to my camp quickly and easily. I did not remember if I gardened before I arrived in this place but I went with it. I mean, how hard could it be? I dug small holes for the bushes and grass tufts and placed them gently in place. I then used the loose dirt to cover them and it looked great. Because this place grows everything so fast, I hope the berries and grass grow quickly so I can continue with experiments.

I went over to my Science Machine and I got the urge to work on new invention. It was nice to have this memory back. I enjoy working with my hands, and despite my first few tries, I mastered the ability to make rope. It was strong enough to combine with some sticks and flint to make the spear I was wanting so badly. There is nothing wrong with wanting protection. Not everyone in the world is kind. I noticed I had some large pieces of logs. This grass shirt I found on my first day was falling apart. It offered little protection, but it helped. I wanted to make a new piece of armor. Something that was sturdier. My inventor’s intuition came into play again and I was able to use the rope and logs to make what I call, a Log Suit. It should be tough for monsters to bite through.

After I finished making new items, my stomach started to growl. I thought to myself, “Great, this is the last thing I need.” I looked in my chest for what food items I had. I had some berries and a couple carrots. They started to show some odd colors so I had to eat them now before they spoiled. Sadly, it was the last of my carrot/berry supply. All I had left were my healing petals and seeds.

I made two torches for tonight. I wanted to explore that mysterious forest to the west. The torches were if I stayed too long. I packed up my spear, put on my log suit, grabbed some petals and headed out. It was just turning to dusk so I knew I had a couple hours of light left.

Once I entered the forest I had that same feeling of uneasiness I first felt when I arrived. However, I cannot let that feeling get the best of me. I recalled seeing some egg-shaped thing in the distance last time I was there. I saw it again and got closer. All of a sudden it got black. Thankfully I was prepared for this and I lit my torch in time. I had to get closer.As I took my steps forward I noticed something moving around it.

I heard crunching sounds. I knew they weren’t footsteps. This was the sound of something eating. I take a step forward and a branch snaps. I know, a total cliché but it happened. My heart-felt like it stopped. I started sweating. A bead a sweat was running down my cheek from my forehead. When it hit the floor the thing that was eating spun around. I saw big glowing eyes. My heart was now beating outside my chest, I was frozen solid. It was a staring match between me and this thing. It opened its mouth and I saw massive fangs, covered in blood.

I saw it move towards me. It had multiple legs, it was a spider, and that egg-shaped thing was a small nest. It took one more step and I bolted in the opposite direction. I had a feeling it was chasing me but I did not look back. All of a sudden it started raining. This rain was making it difficult to run as the dirt was getting more and more wet, turning to thick mud. Some water got in my eye and I slipped. I was sliding for a while before I noticed nothing was under me. I was so startled by the abnormally large spider I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.

There is a large gap between my camp and the rock quarry/forest is. I have to go around it normally. This time I didn’t, and I was paying the price. I dropped my torch and hung onto a thick branch that was sticking out. I was in total darkness, it was cold and wet. I thought this was it. I was dangling above a rampaging ocean. I felt my hands slipping.

It stopped raining, but the branch I was holding onto was showing signs of giving out. I got close to the cliff to pull myself up when I saw it. The monster from the darkness. It was here, and I was more vulnerable than ever. I see it staring at me, with those piercing eyes. It grinned, bearing its teeth. I still didn’t see the body, just those eyes, and the rows of sharp teeth.

It leaned over; I felt its saliva dripping on my hands. Almost instantly, my fight or flight instincts kicked in. My right hand flashes off the branch and reaches behind me. I grab my spear and flail it towards the monster. I hear a cutting sound and a whimper. It was followed by fast footsteps. I pulled myself up and lit my second torch. I couldn’t rest now; I had to get to my camp. Drenched in rain water, I slowly made my way to camp. I lit my warm fire, hung my clothes, and began writing in my journal. Boy, I hope tomorrow is better.