After I woke I wanted to explore the shoreline. I noticed a couple of spider dens. I had to get rid of them. So I did and they put up a fight, there was more than I expected. I was able to get away unscathed. I feel as though by fighting prowess is getting better and better. As I explored the shoreline to the northeast I came across the same area where I found the pigs. A charted my location and decided to head west.
I can’t recall exactly what happened all I do know is that my mind wandered and I was paying no attention to where I was going. I heard a twig snap followed by growling I snapped out of it look up and saw three spiders charging after me. I readied my spear and took them down with these. I move forward toward the spider nest. As I started destroying the nest I felt as if something was moving behind me. I spun around and there was a spider, the yellow kind, the one outfitted to fight. I want to move back but the nest was not fully destroyed I tripped and my back was stuck to the webbing on the ground.
I did not know what to do; my spear fell just out of my reach. I was stuck to the ground because of the webbing. The spider warrior was creeping closer and closer as if it was toying with me. My hand was almost at the spear when the spider spat webbing at my hand gluing it in place. I was filled with fear. A tear ran down my cheek my heart slowed and everything went quiet. I thought to myself, “Is this how I go? After all I have been through, is this the end?”
I look up with tears in my eyes I saw a burly figure sprinting towards me. There was a war-cry and I heard something being cut. I was able to clear my eyes of the tears and I saw the law spider warrior split in two with the burly figure nowhere to be found. I was able to squirm out of the webbing and free my hand, grab my spear and move on. I went on with my day and eventually the night.