Day 24

I wake up and much to my dismay snow was outside. I am freezing. I cannot remember the last time I was this cold. My muscles are tense, my bones are like ice cubes, and I can barely move my fingers. I have to stay in the camp, hopefully I can adjust to the new temperature. However, I have to remain productive. 

I started a fire so I can keep warm periodically through the day. I knew I had enough resources. That seems like the one thing I did right, was gather firewood. My first order of business was to reassess my situation. I needed to go through my items and see what I had so I knew what I was going to need to last through all of winter.

I was surprised with what I found, I almost forgot about how I collected some of the more unique items. While they didn't seem to have a direct use, I wanted to keep them around just in case. I came to an odd conclusion when going through my resources. I couldn't quite finish my thoughts, so the alchemy engine was the first thing that came to mind.

My idea was this. Rocks can hold heat without melting depending on the temperature. Wile they tend to lose the heat fast, I can try to make something that allows them to hold that heat for longer than a few minutes. Hopefully it will hold the heat for hours. The alchemy engine is a mysterious machine, I was sure it could alter the materials enough to get what I needed done.

I let the machine do its thing and after some trial and error, I got something rather peculiar. It was a rock that was slightly blue with some lines on it. I put it near the fire being that is the only way I can heat things up. Nothing immediately happened. I found myself staring at it. I. Was waiting too hard, if that makes any sense. I took my mind off of it. I decided to continue working with my items, rationing out my food and materials. Soon, I forgot about the stone.

I made new armor, the previous one was ragged and barely holding together. I also made weapons that were more durable. These were things that I needed to get done. Sure they were rather boring, but I felt focused and that feeling was comforting. Soon darkness fell.

The fire was dying out so I tended to it, then I noticed something that made me gleam with joy. The rock that I had paced near the fire was glowing a bright red. I was cautious to touch it but I did anyway. It wasn't hot at all. It was rather warm. Despite the color that resembled something very hot, it was easy to touch. A normal rock would have been scalding hot and losing heat as soon as I got it away from the fire. The machine worked, and I made something to keep me warm. I was ecstatic. I made more and placed then in my tent when they were heated.

While today was rather mellow I know what I must do. I must. Go see the Pig King to hopefully get some information from him and maybe even some goods. I have to make peace with the inhabitants.