I did not sleep very well last
night. The ambient light in this cave is making me see things in the
darkness. They are akin to shadows or creatures I have never seen
before. However, they are always in the corner of my eye. I can never
get a clear look at them. When I try, there is nothing there. Maybe
the isolation is making me crazy. Sometimes they seem to real, like
they could actually hurt me. Now that I wrote that down, it seems
pretty ridiculous, even for this place.
I have pretty much lost all
sense of direction since I have been in the cave. There was an area I
remember that was close to camp that I had not explored yet. I waited
for the Bunnyman to wake up. I created my travel kit and we continued
to explore. I have begun to pack more food each time I go outside of
camp. Too many times I have been unprepared for what is waiting for
me in the void.
This area was much darker than
any other area in the cave. We slowed our pace and I lit myself a
torch. The Bunnyman all of a sudden picked up his pace and it grabbed
my arm so I could keep up. I couldn't see anything but the Bunnyman
knew exactly where to go. My heart started to race, I had never seen
him act like this before and I was uneasy about what were running
to...or from. Then, we stop, almost instantly. I move my torch
forward and there was a rather large hole in front of us. I would not
have noticed if it weren't for the Bunnyman.
I started to inspect the hole
to find out what made it. I heard something moving, and it was
echoing closer to me. Something was in this hole, and it was moving
pretty quick. I blink and a large mass shoots up from the ground. I
am blown back from the force of it emerging from the whole. My eyes
clear from the dust and I see something unspeakable and impossible.
It was large, it was purple,
and it was violently moving about. It was a tentacle, much like a
squid, but there was no way that is what this monstrosity was
attached to. I stood up and the Bunnyman pushed me back. A smaller
tentacle shot up from the ground and several more followed. I readied
my spear and called out to the Bunnyman. He came to my aid as fast as
he could. We would have to work together to take down this creature,
and it was not alone.
We charged forward as fast as
we could, cutting down the smaller tentacles as fast as we could.
There was no end to them. It was like a Hydra, the more we cut down,
more took their place. Our only choice was to destroy the main
tentacle. When the Bunnyman and I got close, it lowered itself and
swung around, knocking us away. As soon as I get up, I hear a loud
noise. It was coarse and shrill. It was a scream originating from
pain. I look around, and I see the Bunnyman suspended in air by
tentacles, pierced through his body. Blood was pouring down like a
waterfall. I move swiftly, hopefully I can save this poor soul. I cut
him down and his body makes a loud thud onto the hard cave floor.
He wasn't breathing, his white
fur now stained with red.
I do not remember much from
then on. I remember tears being in my eyes. They were not from
sadness, but from anger. I have been angry and ferocious before. But
it was nothing like this. It was as if my entire body was so filled
with an immeasurable amount of rage. I blacked out. The last thing I
remember was being knocked back into reality from a very powerful
vibration coming from the ground.
The tentacle was gone. And the
ground was shaking. I look ahead of me and the ground begins to split
in two. Wildlife was running away and rocks were falling from the
ceiling. I move out of the way and I see the Bunnyman's body fall
into the newly formed crevice. I realized what this was. It was an
earthquake, and who knows what will happen from here.