Day Five

My dreams are getting more mysterious. I remember one night where I dreamt about a face. Well, I had that same dream but I could hear what the face was saying. The voice was distorted, but I still heard the words, “Say pal, you don’t look so good. Maybe you should find something to eat”. Who was this person? Is he responsible for bringing me here? I want more answers, but it seems like there are no clues. The answer is most likely in my mind, but this experience has destroyed my memories and twisted my thoughts. My mind may as well be an MC Escher painting.

Last night was certainly an experience. I never felt like I was afraid of high places before. After last night, I can safely say that high places scare the crap out of me. I came face to face with that beast from the darkness again. I am glad I was able to fight back, even if it was blindly in the dark. Then there is that spider. I have never seen an arachnid so massive before. It had such a unique build it may as well have been a dog with more legs.

I wonder if I could use that spider webbing for something though. I should best stay away from that spider next for a while. I have to find food. I feel so empty and exhausted. I want to explore the north side of my camp. The field is so empty; I doubt I will come across anything incredibly dangerous. Just to be safe, I will pack my log suit and spear.

I traveled north. I wanted to fill out this map more and find out what was ahead of me. I have to get a better knowledge of my surroundings anyway. The empty field was nice and calm. There were birds and butterflies in the air. Oddly enough, no rabbits or other rodents scurrying around, it was a feeling of calm and bliss. I almost just laid down on the grass and took a nap. Then my stomach growled and I was reminded why I was out here in the first place. I felt so weak. I had a very active night and almost no food to recover.

Soon, I heard buzzing. I look around, expecting some big flying beast. I see some bees. I frantically started looking around for a hive, and there it was. I could smell the honey in the air, it was breathtaking. I waited a little before getting closer. After the bees got some distance between the hive I went in. I stuck my hand inside and started scooping out honey. It tasted so smooth. It wasn’t too sweet, it wasn’t too bitter. For this moment, it was perfect.

I wanted more, so I smashed the hive and collected some more honey for later and some bigger honeycomb pieces. I heard more buzzing. It was getting louder and louder. These were the biggest bees I have ever seen. They were after me. Stingers at the ready, I destroyed their home and they are out for revenge. I tried to run, but they were much faster and caught up to me. I started getting stung. I know I have been through some serious experiences, but nothing like getting stung by a herd/flock (?) of bees.

These bees were big and red, I said screw it. I whipped out my spear and started swinging. I wasn’t necessarily paying attention to what I was doing. But I did my best to attack the bees. My vision was heavily impaired when due to getting stung in the face. All at once, the buzzing stopped. I was itchy, and my skin felt like it was on fire, but it was worth it.

It took all morning but I got to the area I wanted. There were rabbits, berry bushes, grass tufts, everything I was looking for. I didn’t mind the bee stings at this point. I found what I was looking for, food nirvana. I whipped out my shovel and started getting to work. I uprooted the grass and berry bushes so I could take them back to camp. This would bring y total amount of berry bushes to 5 and it could sustain me for some time.

I pulled myself up and lit my second torch. I couldn’t rest now; I had to get to my camp. Drenched in rain water, I slowly made my way to camp. I lit my warm fire, hung my clothes, and began writing in my journal.

Boy, I hope tomorrow is better.