Day 31

My Bunnyman alarm clock was right on schedule. We needed to eat, but the berry bushes were in short supply and they only yielded so much food. There has to be more food in these caves. It is its own ecosystem, it has to support life somehow. The Bunnyman seems to know what he is doing, I may as well follow him. Strange, I feel so connected to this creature, like a companion. I swear I have heard him mumble words at night, but it may as well be my imagination. I should follow his lead, after all, he has spent more time in this place than I have.

I followed the Bunnyman and we came across a peculiar looking tree. It appeared to have fruit at the top of it. I wouldn't hurt to look, so I climbed the tree and cut down what looked like bananas. I climbed down and retrieved the food and it peeled like a banana and tasted like one. Surely this place is strange, I never thought a banana tree could grow underground. There was plenty of these trees around, so the Bunnyman and I spent some time gathering food. It was peaceful really, I didn't have much stress when foraging. Maybe this cave has some positives. My life doesn't always seem to be in danger here.

I was thinking about calling it a day on the foraging. On my last tree an odd animal popped out of the foliage in the banana tree. It had large eyes and massive ears, it was furry and had a tail. My “brilliant” powers of deduction concluded this is what I would know as a monkey. Since it was a cave dweller, I called it a Splumonkey”. We locked eyes and just stared at each other, waiting for a move to be made. It moved quickly and made a loud noise. As a result, it made me flinch and I fell out of the tree and landed flat on my back. I knew I would feel this in the morning and I felt ok, the ground broke my fall, I was afraid to move but I could feel my legs and arms. My eyes got into focus and I saw the Splumonkey standing over me. I shoo'd it away but then it bit me! I hit back and it got knocked away a few feet. The Splumonkey was not happy and it charged at me with great fervor shouting noises as loud as it could. It tackled me and started to hit me. I was trying my best to throw it off my back but this thing was quick and relentless. It was rummaging through my stuff and it grabbed some of my food.

It jumped off me and ran away. I set my bag down and look around to see just what it took from me, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I felt a moist thud against my back. I slowly stand up and turn my head slowly and see this monkey smiling at me. I take off my shirt and what I saw was a large brown spot that smelled horrid, it was manure. Gagging with sickness I threw the shirt to the ground. I was out for revenge. This damn monkey was not getting away, the Bunnyman showed up and somehow I was able to silently communicate with him to indicate a full on charge attack. We rush after the monkey, trying our best to keep up, sadly my life here has dwindled my endurance and the Bunnyman was built for damage and not speed.

We were chasing the monkey for what seemed like hours. This thing was just mocking us. The Bunnyman and I locked eyes and we knew what to do. I picked up my backpack and I threw it at the Splumonkey. As fast as I could I ran after the backpack as a follow up move, I figured the monkey would be occupied with dodging the backpack I could catch it. It worked perfectly, it dodged the backpack but it did not have enough time to move away from me and I tackled it. The little bastard wiggled free and threw my stuff at me while running away.

After catching my breath I realized I was in a new area of the cave, I was much deeper inside than I expected. I crafted up a torch and explored more. What I saw was quite interesting. I saw unique foliage, almost prehistoric and vibrant flowers. Then there were these massive structures all around of strangely shaped trees. They looked like giant mushrooms and they came in different colors and sizes. Upon making this discovery, the differences between the cave and the surface were night and day. The ecosystem felt different as if it ran itself on a different timer.

I tripped over a large pile of rocks, they looked rather odd compared to the other stones I have found in the cave so I took out my pickaxe to mine them out, my thought process was that something valuable could be hidden in them. I readied my swing and just as I about to put my entire weight behind this swing, I noticed the smallest movement. I stopped the pickaxe, mere inches away from the rock. The formation grew up out of the ground and formed into some sort of golem. It looked like a lobster made of rocks. I looked around as the ground started to rumble and there was a whole herd of these creatures. They didn't attack me, to be honest, I don't even think they noticed me. These Rock Lobsters were more focused on scrounging the ground for loose rubble to feed on. Seeing all of these creatures at once was somewhat beautiful. They blended into the environment so well you wouldn't even know they were there. It made me wonder though, everything here has adapted to its environment to survive, why would these lobsters adapt such a great camouflage?

I went back to my base camp. I had enough excitement for today. As I was heading back, my torch was flickering out. I saw things, I am not sure if they were real, but what I saw shook me. They were monsters in the darkness. When I am left alone with my thoughts, these things seem to appear, but disappear as soon as I look directly their way. I don't seem like myself, I am beginning to question my own sanity.