Day Eight

When I woke up, the pig I saved moved on to bigger and better things. I do not know why I expected it to stick around but I guess I want someone to hang out with, even if the pig only spoke when you gave it food. I have a nice sense of accomplishment when I look back at the event. It was nice to help someone other than myself for a change.
I was lost, but once I examined my surroundings I devised a way to get back to my camp. I am more east than north so I can head west until I find that cliff were I found the first pig. Then I can head south until I reach my camp. I can’t get my mind off that strange shrine I found near a pig house in the middle of the forest. I want to head back and mark it on my map so I can come back to it later.
I have a feeling this trek back home is going to take a while. I better get moving.

I headed back to that strange shrine. It upset me when I first saw it so I didn’t get a good look at it. I kind of wish I didn’t. It was surrounded by stakes skewered with pig heads. Flies were buzzing around and the maggots were chowing down. There was this broken stone stuff in the middle. I do not know what came over me, but I went up and fixed the stone stuff. When I looked back after I finished, I made a stone slab. I have no idea what it was or what it could do. Nonetheless I marked it on my map and left. Maybe I will figure out what it is for and I can come back.

As I walk southwest towards my camp. I hear growling and pig squeals again. I follow the sounds to see a massive spider nest. It was the biggest I had ever seen. There were easily 6 spiders attacking this poor pig. They were being led by this strange looking spider. It was bigger, has yellow-like armor. It looked much more battle ready. I had to help this pig, so I charged in with my armor on, and spear high in the air. I ran up a larger rock and leapt into the fray, skewering a spider underneath me. I let out a loud “Yawp” and cut the last of the spiders down. I didn’t notice the Spider Warrior carcass among the debris. I turn around and it is staring me down. I smirk and signal it to come get me.

It charged at full force, not caring what was going to happen. I braced myself ready for the fight. It jumps into the air, as a muscle reaction I throw my spear at it, penetrating its hard armor. It fell to the ground, stabbed by my spear. Its legs were frantically moving in pain. The legs curled and the spider was dead. I collected my kills and the pig was nowhere to be found. I took my spear out of the ground and continued on to my camp.

I arrived at my camp a couple hours later.

I was relieved to be back at my camp. The rabbit I could a few days ago chewed through the trap and it escaped. In a dire circumstance this would have upset me dearly. But my spoils from up north made my chuckle at the rabbit’s epic escape. I dropped my things and jumped around a bit. I didn’t have huge amounts of stuff on my back anymore and I could move even faster than before. I sat on the ground, wiped the sweat from my brow and looked up at the beaming sun cooking me from above. It was the afternoon and the hottest part of the day. I wanted to relax, but I knew I had to get more stuff done.

I went to my Science Machine to get some ideas on what to create. I remembered I collected that manure from the pigs and I could make a small farm where I can grow those seeds I have been holding onto. After some trial and error I was able to make this very crude looking garden area. I was pretty proud of myself because I knew nothing about horticulture. While the garden looked incredibly crude and poorly done, it exhausted me.

I wanted to build better tools, armor, and weapons. My science machine was not cutting it in this aspect. I had to build something better. I had to use a new method of transforming materials into something new. Then it sprung on me, I could try to gather more precious materials and it would spark something. I went to my quarry and started mining out some of the gold nuggets.

The boulders were slim on the gold nuggets. I was running very low on energy and I didn’t collect as many nuggets I wanted. It was turning to dusk and I had almost nothing to show for being out here for so long. I continued to mine until it was dark. I lit a torch and made a campfire just in case. After a couple more hours I was satisfied with what I got. I picked my torch and put out my campfire and headed back to base.

I couldn’t help but think on my way back, I never recalled being afraid of the dark until recently. I guess I originally had nothing to be afraid of. I guess when we are kids we are afraid of monsters in the closet or under the bed, but this is real danger. I don’t know, but I do not know if I will ever be the same in darkness ever again.

It didn’t take long to get back to camp. I lit a nice big campfire and put some of that spider meat to good use and started cooking it. I sat near my science machine, watching my food cook. The cracking and warmth of the fire, with the cooking meat allowed me to relax more than I ever thought I could. I closed my eyes and let my hands go on their own.

They picked up the different materials I had laid out and I don’t remember much from that point. My inventor intuition just took me over. My whole body was not under my control and I swiftly build this metal circular machine. In a way, it looked sort of like a closed off cauldron. Because of this, I dubbed it the Alchemy Machine.

I sat back down after marveling at my creation and looked up. I can’t believe I never noticed this, but there were no stars in the sky. There was nothing. It made me feel so alone. I didn’t know what to think. No stars? How could that be? I saw my food was done cooking and I chowed down. I shook the uneasy feeling from my mind and continued eating.

The meat was, interesting. I guess everything tastes good when you are hungry, but this still had an odd taste to it. It was protein, so I couldn’t complain. The warm food makes me want to sleep. So I am going to sleep. I do not know what tomorrow will bring, but I sure hope I don’t have to fight anything. My body is worn.